Behind the scenes Behind the scenes: Let’s accompany Steff Berger recording the text for the introduction video for her session about CRISIS MANAGEMENT FOR EVENTS on IBTM World 2018. Looking forward seeing you at IBTM World 2018: Tuesday 27.11.2018, 14:15-15:15, @ Knowledge Theatre 2, Language: English.

Welcome to our new company LinkedIn page!

Welcome to our new company LinkedIn page . Our next highlight: IBTM World 2018 in Barcelona. We are proud to annouce that our Managing Director Steff Berger and her session PRACTICAL ANTI-TERROR AWARENESS STRATEGIES FOR CONFERENCES AND EVENTS are selected for this year’s IBTM! 27.11.2018, 14:15-15:15 @ Knowledge Theatre 2 Expect the unexpected! See you…

Welcome to our new company LinkedIn page!

Welcome to our new company LinkedIn page . Our next highlight: IBTM World 2018 in Barcelona. We are proud to annouce that our Managing Director Steff Berger and her session PRACTICAL ANTI-TERROR AWARENESS STRATEGIES FOR CONFERENCES AND EVENTS are selected for this year’s IBTM! 27.11.2018, 14:15-15:15 @ Knowledge Theatre 2 Expect the unexpected! See you…

Learning Lab 2018 Frankfurt

A big thank you to Sarah Esch, Simone Pohl from the German Convention Bureau | @germanymeetings for the great organization of the Learning Lab 2018! 30 young professionals join the first Learning Lab in Frankfurt. I had the great honor to be part of the expert team and to inspire the young professionals for crisis…

Learning Lab 2018 Frankfurt

A big thank you to Sarah Esch, Simone Pohl from the German Convention Bureau | @germanymeetings for the great organization of the Learning Lab 2018! 30 young professionals join the first Learning Lab in Frankfurt. I had the great honor to be part of the expert team and to inspire the young professionals for crisis…

IMEX 2018

Crisis management advice: ‘Understand how terrorists think and plan attacks’ 16 May 2018 by Andrew McCorkellCITMAGAZINE.COM One of the talks at IMEX 2018 in Frankfurt offered practical anti-terror advice on how to make a plan, remain vigilant and stay safe. At IMEX 2018 in Frankfurt, Steff Berger, managing director of crisis management experts VOBE, told…

IMEX 2018

Crisis management advice: ‘Understand how terrorists think and plan attacks’ 16 May 2018 by Andrew McCorkellCITMAGAZINE.COM One of the talks at IMEX 2018 in Frankfurt offered practical anti-terror advice on how to make a plan, remain vigilant and stay safe. At IMEX 2018 in Frankfurt, Steff Berger, managing director of crisis management experts VOBE, told…

#IMEX18 Frankfurt -Just a few days to go!

Just a few days to go! Mark your #IMEX18 agenda for my inspiring session on Practical Anti-Terror Awareness Tips. 30 minutes to learn about concepts for anti-terror procedures for large conferences and events. I am a conference and event manager, crisis manager specialized for large conference and events and followed an anti-terrorism officer course. I…